
Friday, December 16, 2016

The Power of the Conditioned Mind

The society and culture in which you have grown up programmed those fixed patterns of the mind into you, and your identity who you are and what your job is in this world, is based upon those patterns. 

These systematic patterns of thoughts, programmed into you by your parents and teachers are deeply embedded into your mind and subconscious by the psychological mechanisms of identification, and they automatically surface every now and then.

Whether you like it or not, these thoughts come and go, your mind is in constant motion. These patterns strive to be self-sustaining, and they generate the work of mind. The result is the cobweb of thoughts with which you identify and that is how you live your life.

In-Depth Programming of the Mind 

The fixed patterns of your mind are individual, since they reflect the expectations of the particular environment in which you have been brought up. The expectations usually influence you unconsciously, almost like automatic deep programs of the mind.

Thursday, December 08, 2016

3 Transformational Processes Within the Spiritual Growth

There are three transformational processes within the evolution of the Consciousness. These are, in fact, three levels of development. 

At these different levels of development the state and functions of the Counsciousness show entirely different signs. 

If we are aware of these characteristic signs, we may easily recognize what state of development of the Consciousness we are in: ordinary Consciousness, awakening or the level of complete freedom.

Monday, October 03, 2016

A Link Between The Date of Birth and Date of Death

Our life is a link between our date of birth and date of death. A link that contains all the secrets, dramas, tragedies and comedies of our lives, and we are all abandoned in this performance that we tend to forget who we are in reality.

The book of our life stretches between the two end points, and this blog is the chronicle of our personal history. The story of this personal history may be infinitely varied at an individual level. Breaking through the different heights and abysmal depths along the route in the world of shapes and forms may provide the individual wanderer with endless joy and immeasurable sorrow. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Spiritual Seeking – Only a Program in the Matrix?

Many people think that the goal of the spiritual seeking is to exit the Matrix. But if we get to the bottom of this question, we find that the spiritual seeking is also just a program in the matrix. It doesn't guide us out of the matrix, it only takes us round and round inside the Matrix. What signs are implying this?

Our virtual reality may not be generated by a computer, but by our Mind, our constantly flowing thoughts and emotions. And so we are living in the imprisonment of our thoughts and feelings’ Matrix.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

3 Turning Points During Spiritual Awakening

Today, it is clear for almost every spiritual seeker that we live in the era of awakening. However, what is the spiritual awakening is most misinterpreted. 
Many people think that awakening and enlightenment is the same, it's a single-time event: it's happening for once and you are done!. On the contrary, the truth is that enlightenment is a process that is actually a series of awakenings. Let's take a look to the three most important turning points during awakening.

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Take this Simple Step to Know your True Self

The tiny seed of Truth is found in every human being. Similarly to the seed of a tree, the tiny seed contains great potentials. If the spiritual Seeker protects and nourishes that tiny seed, it will grow into the mighty tree of Truth. But it can only protect and nourish it, if it's aware of its existence. How can the spiritual seeker realize this and how can the Truth be revealed?

 The world of the forms and shapes

A lot of people are unaware of that, and they try to find the Truth outside themselves, in the world of forms and shapes, wishing to make forms eternal. So the modest little seed in us stays dormant, waiting for better times. The better times come when the spiritual Seeker realizes that all the external shapes and forms are transitory, so they turn their attention from the world of shapes to the internal world. Under the effect of turning inward, the small seed begins to sprout, and it starts slowly growing. I revitalizes the spiritual Seeker, and a deep desire arises in them to see the flower that the small seed may become.

Saturday, March 05, 2016

QUIZ: Are You Consciously Alert?

Nowadays more and more people are waking up from their deep sleep: from the identification of forms. More and more people are concerned about this: Who or what am I? I'm just the sum of my personal life story, memories, experiences, thoughts and sufferings? Or is therein me a hidden dimension of a mysterious consciousness, which is superimposed by the noise of my personal life stories?

Eckhart Tolle’s opinion, our present consciousness opens up the gate to mysterious human dimension of pure consciousness. The individual must experience the present moment, while the alertness of his/her consciousness enables the person to view his or her own thoughts, emotions and reactions triggered by the stimuli of the environment.