The Evaluation of the Pain-Body Quiz

The first step in the quiz evaluation is the summation of the items’ scores of each dimension. If we add the given values of the scales and subscales together, we get the score of each scale and subscale. The items belonging to the specific dimensions are shown in Chart:

Dimensions of the Pain-Body
Expression of the Pain-Body Scale
Control of the Pain-Body Scale

Sub-scale of the Expression Pain-Body
Exasperation sub-scale
1, 3, 5, 7, 12,
Grudge sub-scale
2, 4, 10, 11, 15
Inflamability sub-scale
6, 8, 9, 13, 14

The achieved results of the quiz can be interpreted as the following:

Expression of the Pain-Body Scale

15-30 scores: Your Pain-Body is weaker, than that of most people. It does not want to control your life, sometimes it’s in a resting state for a long time.

31-45 scores: Your Pain-body works at a usual rate. There are tranquil periods, when it’s less active, and there are times, when it can cause a great deal of suffering.

46-60 scores: You possess a strong Pain-Body, which activates itself almost daily and takes control over your behavior quickly.

Exasperation sub-scale

5-10 scores: You are not easily angered, you are patient with others. In most cases you accept the others, as they are. You don’t want to necessarily change and control the behavior of the people around you, and you criticize them only rarely.

11-15 scores: Usually you are patient with the others, but there are people, who annoy you and it’s difficult for you to accept them.

16-20 scores: The others annoy you easily, you are at many times exasperated and impatient, if others behave differently, than what you expect them to behave. You like to control the people around you and you are often too harsh on them.

Grudge sub-scale

5-10 scores: You accept yourself the way you are, there are no resentments neither at yourself, nor at others. There’s no envy in you for others. You are generally happy and trouble yourself little on your past behavior.

11-15 scores: Usually you accept yourself and others too. In the majority of the cases you feel happy and acknowledge success of others. You are anxious and remorseful at an average rate.

16-20 scores: You don’t really accept yourself the way you are. You blame yourself often, you often have a bad conscience, irrespective of committing any wrong or not. You don’t feel happy, you are at many times depressed, sad. It’s often hard to bear the successes of others. You feel frequently, that the behavior of the others is not right, and as a result, you resent them.

Inflamability sub-scale

5-10 scores: Your feelings emerge with difficulties and they are less intensive, not particularly enchanting.

11-15 scores: The emergence and the intensity of your feeling can be considered average.

16-20 scores: Your feelings emerge effortlessly, they are intensive and can overwhelm you and can control your behavior quickly.

The structure of the Pain-Body.

The quality of your Pain-Body is defined by whether the subscale of Exasperation or Grudge is observably predominant. The dynamics of your Pain-Body is given by the results measured on the Inflammability subscale.

Control of the Pain-Body Scale

7-14 scores: Your Pain-Body rules you, usually it controls your behavior. Feelings overwhelm you easily, you can rarely control them. You tend to focus on the past instead of the present, you mull over your old grievances, or worry about the future.

15-21 scores: Usually you can control your Pain-Body, but there are situations and persons, whose impact influence your feelings, so that they carry you away, and you may lose control of your Pain-Body.

22-28 scores: You are able to control your Pain-Body. When a feeling takes control over you, you recognize it soon, and you can overrule it. You are not dominated by your Pain-Body, you can focus on the present, and you are not regretful about old grievances, losses.

If you liked this test, then please consider the Conscious Alertness Quiz. Here you can find 




I. The Revolution of Consciousness
II. The Biggest Illusion of the World
III. In the Web of the Spider
IV. The Secret of the Inner Voice
V. The Obstacle to Enlightenment
VI. The Power of the Conditioned Mind
VII. 6 Steps and 3 Awakenings on the Spiritual Path
VIII. How the Higher Levels of Consciousness may Appear in our Life?
IX. The Currents of Love
X. The Secret of the Constructive Energy
XI. An Effective Remedy for the Overburdened Mind
XII. Experience the Deeper Dimensions of Mindfulness
XIII. The Secret of Silence
XIV. There is Nobody out there but You
XV. The Secret of Enlightenment: Be Yourself!
XVI. Learn How to Live in the Flow of Life

Available on Amazon (Kindle Edition & Paperback)

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  1. I found the scoring hard to understand, I wish it were worded more simply, so I still don't know how i scored

  2. I found it helpful to take the test following a calming 20-30 minute 432hz music meditation. I listed each area of examination separately on paper placing under each category the corresponding questions along with my (grade) if you will.

    Seems to me the proper assessing of oneself is very introspective leaving one open to feelings. I feel the way to approach this is to do so without looking at the present, but rather how have I recently factually reacted. When I did this it became easy to grade myself.

    Much Love and Light!


  3. 73 for me, not surprising even as I manage the difficulty.

  4. I got a 73 which jives with Borderline Personality Disorder I think even though it's managed.

  5. Interesting to ask yourself what and why your answers are what they are, I got an overall 43, which is pretty much what I wouldve expected.. sometimes asking the right questions and thinking about/reading an unbiased explanation help w the way I feel about those issues in the future, good quiz :)

  6. Most psychological experts would define anger management as the process of recognizing and controlling your anger. It is not something that is done only once. see more,
    anger evaluation


  7. While anger is actually a normal emotional response to certain situations,
    any feelings of anger that are left unchecked can actually damage relationships and your personal health.
    Anger management is the general process of controlling one's emotional feelings as well as the physical responses to these feelings, such as elevated blood pressure and increased adrenaline levels [] see more atanger evaluation
