
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

7 Qualities of the Awakened Soul

What does it mean to be Awake? It has happened to all of us that we came under the spell of a moment some time during our life. A beautiful landscape, a sunset, a beautiful piece of art, the rhythm of music enchanted us. It may even happen that we are just lost in the silence of a peaceful moment. 

The identification with the forms and shapes loosens a little bit for a short while, and in that instant we may experience an entirely different state of Consciousness

See 7 qualities of the Awakened Soul.

  1. When our identification with a form ceases, a new space is generated between us and the form and we are able to see and recognize that we are not identical with that form.

  1. We virtually step out of the psychological time frame, we stop mulling over injuries of the past, and do not build our identity for the future

  1. Ego disappears, telling personal history stops, and the line of our accustomed identity is broken.

  1. We are awake, only the present moment exists for us. Our soul is permeated by the quiet of the Miracle, that is, the Consciousness and the Joy of the Existence.

  1. We are free and independent of the forms and shapes and of the necessity of choosing from them. All our suffering and problems have vanished, we are surrounded by peace and tranquility.

  1. There is only the pure existence, we are eyewitnesses, contemplating the dance of forms and shapes around us. We do not identify with anything, we are a Consciousness free of the obligation to make choices.

  1. We accept life as it is, and it is not done under pressure, since that acceptance is the result of our complete freedom.

In that state of Consciousness an entirely new dimension of existence opens up for us, showing us Existence from a completely new perspective. The unity behind the controversies is revealed in front of our eyes, and we no longer insist on looking on the sunny side of life, as we are able to discover beauty on the dark side, too.

Everything will be quiet and peaceful in us. We are beyond all good and evil, we are a mere Consciousness that does not analyze or judge, only contemplates. We realize that the same contemplating soul lives in everybody, so the differences between human beings are only superficial, and deep inside we are all the same. Experiencing that unity will bring us the ecstasy of Life, the perfect joy of Existence.

(This book is an anthology, a collection from his most interesting writings.)



Are you Awake?
The Signs of Spiritual Awakening
The Suffering as Wake-Up Call
3 Turning Points During Awakening
3 Gift of the Mindfulness
Be Mindful and Conscious!
The Age of Spiritual Awakening Has Really Begun – New Research Confirms


Who am I Beyond my Personal History?
You are an Immortal Being, Who is Lost in a Separate World
The Secrets of the Spiritual Journey
The Last Chapter of our Personal History
The First Step of the Journey
Are You a Mature Soul?
4 Levels of the Spiritual Growth
The Three Birth of the Human Spirit
Take this Simple Step to Know Your True Self
The Magical Power of the Real Self-Knowledge
Negative Thoughts as a Teacher
The Shadow of Spiritual Growth: the Guilt
Bad Karma–Obstacle or Challenge on the Spiritual Path?
Transform Your Life with the Power of Acceptance
5 Powerful Steps to Emotional Healing


Forgotten Purpose of the Mind
The Power of the Conditioned Mind
The Deepest Unconscious Condtionings of the Mind
The Secret of the Constructive Energy
4 Potent Ways of Accessing the Most Creative Forces of Your Mind
Meditation - an Effective Remedy for the Overburdened Mind
Jump into Unknown!


The Ego – Friend or Obstacle?
The Rise and Fall of the Ego
The Tricks of the Spiritual Ego
Is the Ego the World's Biggest Illusion?
Listen to the Message Beyond All Fear and Anger
Tear off Your Mask
The Secrets of The Embrace


The Spiritual Seeking – Only a Program in the Matrix?
Does Positive Thinking Free Us From the Matrix?
How to Exit the Matrix in 6 Simple Steps?
The Law of Attraction vs. The Law of Oneness


The Revolution of Consciousness
How to Live in the Flow of Life
How the Higher Levels of Consciousness may Appear in our Life?
Where is Your Soul on the Path of Consciousness Evolution?
The Power of Solitude
The Lover of the Silence
Magical Power of the Real Meditation
The Secret to Enlightenment: Be Yourself!

(C) Frank M. Wanderer, 2013-2018.
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1 comment:

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