
Monday, December 17, 2018

12 Keys to Access the Deeper Dimensions of Life

Our whole life is a rush. We chase our desires and unfulfilled dreams. We are attracted by money, power, prestige, a wholesome, happy life. Spurred by our ambitions, we pursue various goals all through our lives. We aspire for something all the time, we always want to achieve something. 

This restless rush is instigated by our fear that we are still not what we want to be. We are never satisfied, we always want something else. We therefore lose our grip on the deeper dimensions of life. The deeper dimensions are present in our life, but we lose contact with them because of our lack of Alertness. The question therefore arises, how we are able to access the deeper dimensions of Life?

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Lucid Dreaming as a Gateway to Spiritual Awakening

Allow me to draw your attention to an apparently surprising thing. If I told you that now, when you are reading these lines, you are in fact asleep, you would certainly believe that I have gone mad. 

You are awake, you are concentrating your attention to reading, and you are aware of your environment as well. You can see the furniture of your room, you can hear the call of the birds from the nearby forest. You are also aware of your thoughts and emotions. How can anyone claim that you are asleep at this very moment?

Naturally, you – just like everyone else – sleeps at night. Yes, sometimes you see dreams while you sleep, but right now it is daytime, you are awake. So how could you see dreams?

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

24 Keys to Transcend the Ego

The Ego is the central figure of our personal history, based upon the past and looking into the future. It is a dissatisfied, possessive small ego that often makes our life a misery. It is for certain that this small ego–or, more precisely, what we believe is our Self, our Ego–coiled up tightly in the back of our mind, is responsible for a tremendous amount of senseless and unnecessary suffering and destruction in the history of mankind. 

On our spiritual Journey arises the question, how we transcend the Ego?

Here are 24 Keys to transcend the Ego

Saturday, November 10, 2018

The deepest Secret of Solitude

The Mystery of Solitude is one of the greatest mysteries in our life. As human beings, we are social creatures and, without others around us from birth, we would not even be able to stay alive in this world. 

Social space plays a crucial role in the development of our personality, as the direction of our development is determined by the expectations of other people and our desire to meet those expectations. That is how we become a part of a collective, social space called society, and society receives its special nature from the culture it represents.

The book of our personal history is written in this social space, and our identity is built upon the foundation of our personal history. We are surrounded by other people, and their expectations and requirements are present in our mind when we are alone. Most people do not understand the difference between solitude and being lonely. Being alone is at the same time loneliness for us. The two words, however, mean two different situations. Solitude is the state of the mind, whereas being alone is the state of the Consciousness.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

7 Qualities of the Awakened Soul

What does it mean to be Awake? It has happened to all of us that we came under the spell of a moment some time during our life. A beautiful landscape, a sunset, a beautiful piece of art, the rhythm of music enchanted us. It may even happen that we are just lost in the silence of a peaceful moment. 

The identification with the forms and shapes loosens a little bit for a short while, and in that instant we may experience an entirely different state of Consciousness

See 7 qualities of the Awakened Soul.

Wednesday, October 03, 2018

4 Real Tips to Spiritual Awakening from Awakened Teachers

I have heard the following story:

Three blind men are sitting around a table in a house where they were guests. They are discussing whether the fruit the host offered to them was grape, pear or peachNone of them has ever eaten or touched any of the three kinds of fruit. They have, however, read a lot about different fruit, and from that they knew what experience other people had about them. Each of them had a definite opinion about the issue. One of them said the fruit was grape, the other insisted that it was pear, whereas the third one argued that it had to be peach, and each of them believed that he and only he could be right. The fourth person present, the host who was not blind, said that none of them was right; the fruit they tasted was apple. 

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

The Signs of Spiritual Awakening

To be awake in life means the we are fully conscious in the present moment. Whatever we do, we do it fully consciously, focusing with all our attention to the activity we are actually performing. How many of us can say about ourselves that we are present in every moment of our life?

The Notion of the Illusionary Self

In your present, individual state of consciousness you identify with the thoughts and emotions that appear in your mind, so you believe that you are a separate, illusionary person, an Ego. Living as an Ego in this world, you attempt to stabilize your illusionary sense of self. You believe that the more (knowledge, material wealth) you add to your Ego, the stronger and more permanent it will be.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Ego - Friend or Obstacle?

In your present, individual state of consciousness we identify with the thoughts and emotions that appear in our mind, so we believe that we are a separate, illusionary person, an Ego. 

The truth is that we are the embodiment of Life, we are born into this world as a result of a miracle, and later we are lost amidst the multitude of teachings and dogmas. After identifying with our beliefs and convinctions we forget who we really are, who the person born in us into the world in order to experience existence and get acquainted with all the teachings. 

A sign of awakening is when we realize that the state when we identify with our Ego is of very low order, very poor, and there are more significant mysteries behind our existence. Only the consciousness of the present moment is able to terminate the illusory self-interpretation and elevate the person’s consciousness to a higher, more spiritual level.

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

The Spiritual Journey from Person to Presence

We are all on a spiritual journey. For everybody, this journey starts with birth and ends with death. Our life is a link between our date of birth and date of death. A link that contains all the secrets, dramas, tragedies and comedies of our lives, and we are all abandoned in this performance that we tend to forget who we are in reality.

The book of our life stretches between the two end points, and this blog is the chronicle of our wanderings. The track of our wanderings is defined and determined by our thoughts, ideas, desires and our willingness and readiness to meet the expectations.

The story of these wanderings, this personal history may be infinitely varied at an individual level. Breaking through the different heights and abysmal depths along the route in the world of shapes and forms may provide the individual Wanderer with endless joy and immeasurable sorrow. By identifying with our personal history written in the world of shapes and forms we experience ourselves as individuals different from everybody else.