If you spend some time and pay attention to the reality of your everyday life, you will find a stunning discovery. Because our everyday reality shows a great deal of resemblance to movie’s virtual reality.
Our virtual reality may not be generated by a computer, but by our mind, our constantly flowing thoughts and emotions. And so we are living in the imprisonment of our thoughts and feelings’ matrix. Let’s see what features this matrix has and how to get rid of them.
1. Step. The World of Permanent Change
We chase our
desires and unfulfilled dreams. We are attracted by money, power, prestige, a
wholesome, happy life. All this lies there hidden behind the powerful iron gate
that is towering in front of us. Spurred by our
ambitions, we pursue various goals all through our lives. We aspire for
something all the time, we always want to achieve something. This restless rush
is instigated by our fear that we are still not what we want to be. We are
never satisfied, we always want something else, we would like to be better,
more beautiful, richer than we are at present.
That is how we
pursue our goals until death, when we realize how meaningless the whole thing
has been. But why are these goals meaningless, we begin to protest immediately.
The protest is caused by the vary nature of the forms and shapes, as in their
world every form and shape is subject to permanent change, birth and death.
Whatever we attract to us, we are going to lose it, as everybody departs from
this world empty-handed, all those who pursue their goals, live in the spell of
past and future.
2. Step. The Spiritual Seeking
2. Step. The Spiritual Seeking
We, however,
wish to find the security of permanence in our life. We would like to find what
is beyond the world of constant change. In order to do so, we become spiritual
As a first step
of spiritual seeking we start to look for enlightenment, Self-recognition in
the world of shapes and forms (that is, outside ourselves) in the hope of thus
reaching the state of permanent happiness. We intend to find a dogma, a great Master,
an elevating spiritual experience that expands our Consciousness. If it is not
found here on Earth, we will be looking for it in the other world, in the
heaven of a religion.
use the mind as a mean of spiritual search. It is through the mind that theEgo intends to understand what is beyond mind and forms. The mind in this way
prepares the mental image of enlightenment, seeking, happiness etc.
The mental
images are born through the comprehensive process of the mind. For
comprehension, we also require information, so we shall gather bits of
information like a busy ant. From books on religion and spirituality, lectures
heard and conversations attended, we are attempting to screen information,
ideas, opinions and experience necessary for them.
The same takes place with spiritual experience. We assume that if we
gather a sufficient amount of experience, as a result we will reach a certain
point, we will increase their spirituality.
These mental
images motivate us to make efforts at implementing the mental images at the
level of daily life, to make these images the cornerstones of our life.
Achieving spiritual objectives, however, affords only momentary satisfaction
for us, so after achieving one specific goal, relentlessness returns, urging us
to start working for new objectives. The mind produces new mental images, and
seeking starts all over again.
3. Step. The Stop
3. Step. The Stop
We then go on
seeking, until we eventually become tired of the process, and finally recognize
its true nature.We stop and abandon spiritual seeking. We recognize that all
the objectives we have so far been looking for outside ourselves, are only
found within ourselves.
will stop when we recognize
the activities of the mind and refuse to follow it any longer. We realize
that with the help of the mind we will not be able to surpass the mind. We will
experience that stopping is the inactive moment of the mind, the silence
between thoughts. In that silence, we will experience the Consciousness without
forms, and recognize that we are in fact the Presence without thoughts. We then leave behind
the spiritual seeker, with all the accumulated knowledge and lofty spiritual
4. Step. The Inner Journey
is the beginning of an inner journey which takes us out from the matrix, beyond
the mind. Once we have started our journey, we leave the world
behind and abandon everything that has hampered us in our progress. We give up
unimportant things in order to be able to concentrate our attention exclusively
on the important ones. That is possible by means of a major mental clean-up.
When we begin
doing that clean-up in earnest, we will soon face the vast multitude of our
thoughts, opinions, ideas and the emotions attached to all these. After a period of time, we realize that we need to
abandon all the unimportant things and trivialities, since these things will be
found false in the light of our inner journey. Then we find ourselves all
alone, and realize, that we still have not finished. We are still to shed the
shadow that we believed to be ourself.
5. Step. The Awakening: Coming Home
The awaking is the awakening of the Consciousness to its
own existence through the form and shape that we formerly identified with
ourselves. After the great clean up nothing remains but the empty space.
But if we
examine that space closer, we find that it is full of Consciousness, which is
the inner peace, quiet and tranquility. We then realize that we are at home.
Whatever now happens in that internal space, we must experience that. We must
experience whatever life has to offer, there and then in that specific moment.
The next moment does not need to bear the burden of the experience of the
previous moment.
question then arises: have we already got rid of the matrix? The emptiness is
perfect, but we still must take the last step in order to be completely free.
6. Step. Comeback
6. Step. Comeback
That step will
take us to the point where our entire journey began. We return to the Matrix,
to the world of daily life. We, however, return in a state different from the
one in which we departed, since we have undergone considerable changes during
our journey. The Mind, the Ego and, together with it, selfishness vanished from
ourselves. The emptiness, pulsating with life, and the
Consciousness, awakened to its own existence, continue to stay with us.
In this way the
world will be entirely different for us. We no longer feel en urge to run away
from it, and we do not submerge in the swamp of identifying with the world. We
are now free from all that, and the world is now a new adventure for us. We
abandon ourselves into the streams of Life, and we merge with the Universe. In
the meanwhile, we help others in awakening and we share the joy of existence
and sympathy with everyone we encounter during our spiritual journey.
~From the book: Frank M. Wanderer: Wake Up Consciousness: A Guide for Spiritual Seekers
(This book is an anthology, a collection from his most interesting writings.)
Are you Awake?
The Signs of Spiritual Awakening
The Suffering as Wake-Up Call
3 Turning Points During Awakening
3 Gift of the Mindfulness
Be Mindful and Conscious!
The Age of Spiritual Awakening Has Really Begun – New Research Confirms
Who am I Beyond my Personal History?
You are an Immortal Being, Who is Lost in a Separate World
The Secrets of the Spiritual Journey
The Last Chapter of our Personal History
The First Step of the Journey
Are You a Mature Soul?
4 Levels of the Spiritual Growth
The Three Birth of the Human Spirit
Take this Simple Step to Know Your True Self
The Magical Power of the Real Self-Knowledge
Negative Thoughts as a Teacher
The Shadow of Spiritual Growth: the Guilt
Bad Karma–Obstacle or Challenge on the Spiritual Path?
Transform Your Life with the Power of Acceptance
5 Powerful Steps to Emotional Healing
Forgotten Purpose of the Mind
The Power of the Conditioned Mind
The Deepest Unconscious Condtionings of the Mind
The Secret of the Constructive Energy
4 Potent Ways of Accessing the Most Creative Forces of Your Mind
Meditation - an Effective Remedy for the Overburdened Mind
Jump into Unknown!
The Ego – Friend or Obstacle?
The Rise and Fall of the Ego
The Tricks of the Spiritual Ego
Is the Ego the World's Biggest Illusion?
Listen to the Message Beyond All Fear and Anger
Tear off Your Mask
The Secrets of The Embrace
The Spiritual Seeking – Only a Program in the Matrix?
Does Positive Thinking Free Us From the Matrix?
How to Exit the Matrix in 6 Simple Steps?
The Law of Attraction vs. The Law of Oneness
The Revolution of Consciousness
How to Live in the Flow of Life
How the Higher Levels of Consciousness may Appear in our Life?
Where is Your Soul on the Path of Consciousness Evolution?
The Power of Solitude
The Lover of the Silence
Magical Power of the Real Meditation
(C) Frank M. Wanderer, 2013-2018.
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Frank is also the author of the following books:
- 3 Stages in the Evolution of the Human Spirit EGO – ALERTNESS – CONSCIOUSNESS
- The Revolution of Consciousness: Deconditioning the Programmed Mind
- The Flames of Alertness: Discover the Power of Consciousness!
- The Biggest Obstacle to Enlightenment: How to Escape from the Prison of Mind Games?
- and several other books on consciousness and enlightenment.
You can follow Frank online at:
- https://egoalertnessconsciousness.wordpress.com/
- http://fmwanderer.wordpress.com
He has contributed to a few different spiritual websites including
ReplyDeleteDear Brother Frank,
ReplyDeleteYou have described in great detail my life! I'm at the point now of enjoying the solitude of my TRUE self! Whatever may come!
Thank you!
i love the universe now and i finally see its beauty.. its like beenstaring me in the face my entire life but never thought of it
ReplyDeleteI'm in, after reading many of these short writings I've just bought my first book by Frank W
ReplyDeleteThank you, I went to donate a little through paypal and it said that you were unable to receive money at this time. I will check again at a later time. PLease keep up the wonderful work.